Golf Course Improvements
• Implemented soft spike policy.
• Designed & installed an environmentally-friendly maintenance complex including a wash water recycling facility, an indoor pesticide mix and load station and a fuel station.
• Versed in all aspects of golf course construction; Successfully initiated tee, green, fairway and bunker renovation projects.
• Redesigned and upgraded irrigation system for greens, tees and perimeters, clubhouse grounds and tennis courts.
• Installed system of irrigation wells to eliminate municipal water use.
• Designed and managed practice facility renovation.

"10 years ago, Rolling Hills was best described as a diamond in the rough! Today it's a coveted jewel hand crafted by superintendent, Glenn Perry who delivered a thoughtful, innovative and affordable long term plan.
His hands on approach coupled with his commitment to ongoing learning and research has overcome many of nature's obstacles and has resulted in a world class golf course. Throughout the years Glenn's tireless commitment to communicate with membership (written and social) has made him an invaluable part of the Rolling Hills family. Truly a consummate professional. "
- Eugene Mark Landry, Club President